Data Visualization

Figuring out what needs to be told, and how to tell it.

Year-Round Guide to Lawn Care (2018)

for Merrifield Garden Center as an In-House Marketing Designer

The Premise: update a brochure used as an in-store reference to supplement the customer experience. Luckily, we already had a 15-year bottom-line case study of what worked and what could be elaborated on.


Before: the content to be updated. It worked great for 15 years, and those who use it most were able to give feedback about the areas that were most frequently referenced and the most helpful.Those areas, being the calendar (shown in green) and the products.


Process: learning that in order to best-design something you actually have to understand it. What can be visually reduced and conveyed in the simplest terms? What the heck is a broadleaf winter weed? What the heck is a Grub and why does it matter when they’re dormant?